Turkish Archives of Pediatrics
Case Report

Withdrawal syndrome and hypomagnesaemia and in a newborn exposed to valproic acid and carbamazepine during pregnancy


Division of Neonatology, Department of Pediatrics, Çukurova University, Faculty of Medicine, Adana, Turkey


Department of Pediatrics, Çukurova University School of Medicine, Adana, Turkey


Department of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatology, Çukurova University School of Medicine, Adana, Turkey


Division of Pediatric Cardiology, Department of Pediatrics, Çukurova University School of Medicine, Adana, Turkey


Division of Pediatric Endocrinology, Department of Pediatrics, Çukurova University School of Medicine, Adana, Turkey

Turk Arch Pediatr 2016; 51: 114-116
DOI: 10.5152/TurkPediatriArs.2016.3142
Read: 1310 Downloads: 1038 Published: 02 December 2020

The usage of drugs during pregnancy affect the fetus and the newborn. In this report, we present findings from a newborn baby, whose mother was epileptic, and was under the treatment of valproic acid and carbamazepine during pregnancy. We have found symptoms of withdrawal syndrome, hyponatremia and feeding problem, which was most probably related to exposure to the mentioned drugs. We have also diagnosed hypomagnesaemia and atrial septal defect 4 milimeters in diameter. There are already many reports about the side effects of valproic acid and carbamazepine usage during pregnancy. To the best of our knowledge, hypomagnesaemia has not yet been reported as a side effect. We think that hypomagnesaemia is also related to the usage of antiepileptics. (Turk Pediatri Ars 2016; 51: 114-6)

Gebelikte annenin karbamezepin ve valproik asit kullanımına bağlı hipomagnesemi ve çekilme sendromu

Gebelik döneminde kullanılan ilaçlar fetüsü ve yenidoğanı etkilemektedir. Bu yazıda, gebeliği süresince epilepsi tanısı ile valproik asit ve karbamazepin kullanan bir annenin yenidoğan bebeğinde gözlenen bulgular sunuldu. Olguda bu ilaçların kullanımına bağlı olduğu düşünülen hiponatremi, beslenme sorunu, çekilme sendromu bulguları ile birlikte hipomagnezemi ve 4 mm çapında atriyal septal defekt saptandı. Gebelikte karbamazepin ve valproik asit kullanımına bağlı birçok yan etki bildirilmiştir. Bu ilaçların gebelikteki kullanımlarına bağlı bilinen yan etkilerine ek olarak bilgilerimize göre hipomagnezemi bulgusu daha önce bildirilmemiştir. Bebekte saptanan hipomagnezeminin bu ilaçların kullanımına bağlı olduğu düşünüldü. (Turk Pediatri Ars 2016; 51: 114-6)

EISSN 2757-6256