Turkish Archives of Pediatrics
Case Report

A family with novel homozygous deletion mutation (c.1255delT; p.Phe419Serfs*12) in the glucokinase gene, which is a rare cause of permanent neonatal diabetes mellitus


Department of Pediatric Endocrinology, Düzce University Faculty of Medicine, Düzce, Turkey


Department of Medical Genetics, Düzce University Faculty of Medicine, Düzce, Turkey


Department of Pediatrics, Düzce University Faculty of Medicine, Düzce, Turkey

Turk Arch Pediatr 2020; 55: 434-437
DOI: 10.14744/TurkPediatriArs.2019.05882
Read: 1639 Downloads: 649 Published: 17 December 2020

Heterozygous inactivating mutations in the glucokinase gene cause the mildest form of maturity-onset diabetes of the adolescents. However, homozygous or compound heterozygous mutations in the glucokinase gene are a rare cause of permanent neonatal diabetes mellitus. Herein, we present the case of a male child with permanent neonatal diabetes mellitus whose mutational analysis revealed a novel homozygous deletion mutation in the glucokinase gene. The male proband of Turkish ancestry from consanguineous parents was born at 37 weeks gestation with a birth weight of 1870 g (<3rd percentile). Hyperglycemia developed during the first postnatal day and diabetes-related autoantibodies were negative. He was put on insulin on the first day of life. Insulin has never been discontinued since then. The mother was aged 35 years and had gestational diabetes. The father and the two brothers had impaired fasting glucose. Both parents and brothers were heterozygous for this mutation.

Kalıcı neonatal diabetes mellitusun nadir bir nedeni olan glukokinaz geninde yeni homozigot delesyon mutasyonu saptanan aile (c.1255delT; p.Phe419Serfs * 12)

Glukokinaz genindeki heterozigot inaktive edici mutasyonlar, gençlikte ortaya çıkan erişkin tip diyabetin en hafif formuna neden olur. Bununla birlikte, glukokinaz genindeki homozigot veya bileşik heterozigot mutasyonların kalıcı neonatal diabetes mellitusun nadir bir nedeni olduğu gösterilmiştir. Burada, mutasyon analizi glukokinaz geninde yeni bir homozigot silme mutasyonunu ortaya koyan kalıcı neonatal diabetes mellituslu bir erkek çocuk olgusunu sunuyoruz. Aralarında akrabalık olan Türk anne- babanın erkek çocuğu 37. gebelik haftasında 1870 gr (<3 persentil) olarak doğdu. Postnatal 1. gün hiperglisemi gelişti ve diyabet ile ilişkili otoantikorlar negatifti. Yaşamın ilk gününde insülin başlandı. İnsülin o zamandan beri hiç kesilmedi. Annesi 35 yaşındaydı ve gebelik diyabeti vardı. Babası ve iki kardeşi de bozulmuş açlık glukozuna sahipti. Ebeveynler ve kardeşler bu mutasyon için heterozigottu.

Cite this article as: Bolu S, Eröz R, Doğan M, Arslanoğlu İ, Uzun H, Timur F. A family with novel homozygous deletion mutation (c.1255delT; p.Phe419Serfs*12) in the glucokinase gene, which is a rare cause of permanent neonatal diabetes mellitus. Turk Pediatri Ars 2020; 55(4): 434–7.

EISSN 2757-6256