Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections in Pediatric Intensive Care: Association of Sociodemographic Data and Clinical Outcomes with Viral and Bacterial Co-infections
Ülkem Koçoğlu Barlas, Nihal Akçay, Leyla Telhan, Murat Kanğın, Özge Umur, Agop Çıtak, Hazal Ceren Tuğrul, Seher Erdoğan, Mehmet Emin Menentoğlu, Esra Şevketoğlu, Muhterem Duyu, Kübra Boydağ Güvenç, Yaşar Yusuf Can, Batuhan Türkoğlu
(Turk Arch Pediatr 2024; 59: 494-500) DOI: 10.5152/TurkArchPediatr.2024.24149