Turkish Archives of Pediatrics
Case Report

Eosinophilic gastroenteritis as a cause of gastrointestinal tract bleeding and protein-losing enteropathy


Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Eskişehir Osmangazi University Faculty of Medicine, Eskişehir, Turkey


Department of Child Health and Diseases, Eskişehir Osmangazi University Faculty of Medicine, Eskişehir, Turkey

Turk Arch Pediatr 2020; 55: 299-303
DOI: 10.14744/TurkPediatriArs.2018.48376
Read: 1289 Downloads: 950 Published: 26 November 2020

Eosinophilic gastroenteritis is an inflammatory disease characterized by pathologic eosinophilic infiltration of any portion of the gastrointestinal tract. Depending on the involved site and layer of eosinophilic infiltration, symptoms and signs are heterogeneous. This manuscript reports two patients who presented with acute upper gastrointestinal tract bleeding and protein-losing enteropathy signs, and were diagnosed as having eosinophilic gastroenteritis. Upper endoscopy revealed an appearance of mucosal pseudomass in both patients. Both patients achieved satisfactory clinical improvement with an elimination diet and proton pump inhibitor treatment

Gastrointestinal sistem kanaması ve protein kaybettiren enteropati nedeni olarak eozinofilik gastroenterit

Eozinofilik gastroenterit gastrointestinal kanalın herhangi bir bölümünün eozinofilik infiltrasyonu ile belirgin enflamatuar bir hastalıktır. Belirti ve bulguları eozinofilik infiltarasyonun derinliğine ve bölgesine bağlı olarak heterojendir. Bu makalede akut üst gastrointestinal sistem kanaması ve protein kaybettiren enteropati bulguları ile başvuran ve eozinofilik gastroenterit tanısı alan iki hasta sunulmuştur. Olguların her ikisinin de üst endoskopisinde mukozal yalancı kitle görünümleri saptanmıştır. Her iki hasta da proton pompa inhibitörü ve eliminasyon diyeti tedavisine iyi klinik yanıt vermiştir.

Cite this article as: Eren M, Uluğ N, Aydemir Y. Eosinophilic gastroenteritis as a cause of gastrointestinal tract bleeding and protein-losing enteropathy. Turk Pediatri Ars 2020; 55(3): 299–303.

EISSN 2757-6256