Turkish Archives of Pediatrics
Case Report

Chilaiditi’s syndrome: A case report


Rize State Hospital, Pediatric Surgery, Rize, Turkey

Turk Arch Pediatr 2011; 46: 261-263
DOI: 10.4274/tpa.46.86
Read: 1426 Downloads: 1138 Published: 12 December 2020

Chilaiditi’s syndrome is the interposition of the colon or small bowel between the right hemidiapragma and the liver. In general, patients are asymptomatic, but some patients have been associated with gastrointestinal or respiratory symptoms. Here is reported a six-year- old boy who was admitted to our hospital complaining of breathlessness and respiratory distress caused by Chialiditi’s syndrome, and who was treated conservatively. (Turk Arch Ped 2011; 46: 261-3)

Chilaiditi sendromu: Olgu sunumu

Chilaiditi sendromu, kolon veya ince bağırsakların sağ diyafram ile karaciğer arasına yer değiştirmesi durumudur. Genellikle bulgu vermemesine rağmen, bazı hastalarda solunum ya da sindirim sistemi ile ilgili yakınmalara neden olabilir. Burada, Chilaiditi sendromunun nedeni olduğu, solunum sıkıntısı ile başvuran ve “konservatif” olarak tedavi edilen altı yaşında bir erkek hasta sunuldu. (Turk Arş Ped 2011; 46: 261-3)

EISSN 2757-6256